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1.Li L, Qian J, Ou CQ*, Zhou YX, Guo C, Guo Y. Spatial and temporal analysis of Air Pollution Index and its timescale-dependent relationship with meteorological factors in Guangzhou, China, 2001-2011. Environmental Pollution. 2014;190:75-81. (JCR2, IF4.839)
2.Ou CQ*, Yang J, Ou QQ, Liu HZ, Lin GZ, Chen PY, Qian J*, Guo YM. The impact of relative humidity and atmospheric pressure on mortality in Guangzhou, China. Biomed Environ Sci. 2014 Dec;27(12):917-25. (JCR 4, IF1.906)
3.Zhou YX, Zhao ZT, Li L, Wan CS, Peng CH, Yang J, Ou CQ*. Predictors of first-year GPA of medical students: a longitudinal study of 1285 matriculates in China. BMC Medical Education. 2014;14(1):87. (JCR3, IF1.312)
4.Yang J#, Ou CQ#, Guo Y, Li L, Guo C, Chen PY, Lin HL, Liu QY. The burden of ambient temperature on years of life lost in Guangzhou, China. Sci Rep. 2015;5:12250. (JCR2, IF5.228)
5.Li L, Lin GZ, Liu HZ, Guo Y, Ou CQ*, Chen PY*. Can the Air Pollution Index be used to communicate the health risks of air pollution? Environ Pollut. 2015;205:153-160. (JCR2, IF4.839)
6.Shi JB, Fu QL, Zhang H, Cheng L, Wang YJ, Zhu DD, Lv W, Liu SX, Li PZ, Ou CQ*, Xu G*. Epidemiology of chronic rhinosinusitis: results from a cross-sectional survey in seven Chinese cities. Allergy 2015;70:533-539. (JCR2, IF6.335)
7.Fu QL#, Ma JX#, Ou CQ*, Guo C, Shen SQ, Xu G, Shi JB*. Influence of Self-reported Chronic Rhinosinusitis on Health-related Quality of Life: A Population-based Survey. PLOS One 2015;10(5):e0126881. (JCR3, IF3.057)
8.Guo C, Yang, L, Ou CQ*, Li L, Zhuang Y, Yang J, Zhou, YX, Qian J*, Chen PY, Liu QY. Malaria incidence from 2005-2013 and its associations with meteorological factors in Guangdong, China. Malaria Journal 2015,14(1): 116. (JCR3, IF3.079)
9.Li L, Yang J, Guo C, Chen PY, Ou CQ*, Guo Y. Particulate matter modifies the magnitude and time course of the non-linear temperature-mortality association. Environmental Pollution, 2015, 196: 423-430. (JCR2, IF4.839)
10.Zhou YX, Ou CQ*, Zhao ZT, Wan CS, Guo C, Li L, Chen PY. The impact of self-concept and college involvement on the first-year success of medical students in China. Advance in Health Sciences Education, 2015, 20: 163-179. (JCR3, IF2.462)
11.Li L#, Yang J#, Song YF, Chen PY, Ou CQ*. The burden of COPD mortality due to ambient air pollution in Guangzhou,China. Sci. Rep.2016; 6, 25900. (JCR2, IF5.228)
12.Gao WX#, Ou CQ#, Fang SB#, Sun YQ, Zhang H, Cheng L, Wang YJ, Zhu DD, Lv W, Liu SX, Li PZ, Xu G, Shi J, Fu QL.Occupational and environmental risk factors for chronic rhinosinusitis in China: a multicentre cross-sectional study. Respir Res. 2016;17(1):54. (JCR 2, IF3.751)
13.Lin GZ#, Li L#, Song YF, Zhou YX, Shen SQ, Ou CQ*.The impact of ambient air pollution on suicide mortality: a case-crossover study in Guangzhou, China. Environmental Health. 2016;15(1):90.(JCR2, IF 3.453)
14.Sun L*, Chen ZH, Yang L, Yi CX, Liu J, Ou CQ*.Chromosomal polymorphisms are independently associated with multinucleated embryo formation.J Assist Reprod Genet. 2017 Sep 12. doi: 10.1007/s10815-017-1037-9. (JCR4, IF 1.858)
15.Liu CL#, Liu J#, Liang PL, Chen ZH, Zhou HX, Ou CQ*, Sun L*.Factors associated with the disposition of frozen embryos after a live birth through IVF treatment in China. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2017 Oct;217:23-28. (JCR4, IF 1.666)
16.Xu LJ, Zhou JX, Guo Y, Wu TM, Chen TT, Zhong QJ, Yuan D, Chen PY*, Ou CQ*. Spatiotemporal pattern of air quality index and its associated factors in 31 Chinese provincial capital cities. Air Qual Atmos Health. 2017 Jun;10(5): 601-609. (JCR3, IF 3.184)
17.Guo C#, DU Y#, Shen SQ, Lao XQ, Qian J, Ou CQ*.Spatiotemporal analysis of tuberculosis incidence and its associated factors in mainland China.Epidemiol Infect. 2017 Sep;145(12):2510-2519.(JCR 3, IF 2.075)
18.Zhang R,Chen ZY, Ou CQ*, Zhuang Y*. Trends of Heat Waves and Cold Spells over 1951-2015 in Guangzhou, China. Atmosphere. 2017; 8(2):37. (JCR4, IF 1.487)
19.Fu QL#, Du Y#, Xu G, Zhang H, Cheng L, Wang YJ, Zhu DD, Lv W, Liu SX, Li PZ, Shi JB*, Ou CQ*.Prevalence and Occupational and Environmental Risk Factors of Self-Reported Asthma: Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Survey in Seven Chinese Cities.Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2016 Nov 4;13(11). (JCR 3, IF2.101)
20.Guo C, Yang J, Guo Y, Ou QQ, Shen SQ,Ou CQ*, Liu QY*. Short-term effects of meteorological factors on pediatric hand, foot, and mouth disease in Guangdong, China: a multi-city time-series analysis. BMC Infect Dis. 2016 Sep 29;16(1):524.(JCR3, IF 2.763)
21.Yang J, Ou CQ*, Song YF, Li L, Chen PY, Liu QY*. Estimating years of life lost from cardiovascular mortality related to air pollution in Guangzhou, China. Science of the Total Environment.2016 Dec; 573:1566-1572. (JCR2, IF4.900)
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